Muscle mechanobiology:
Muscles, Chromatin
and the forces that connect them
Understanding mechanotransduction pathways requires detecting changes induced to the nucleus and chromatin by mechanical signals. In parallel, it is imperative to identify these mechanical cues and understand how they are generated in the tissue.
In my work, I study both questions in tandem.

I am Dana Lorber, and I study mechanobiology processes in vivo,
in a live intact organism, specifically in skeletal muscles.
After receiving my PhD from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology in biomedical engineering, I worked in the bio-tech industry in research, development, and management positions.
I later held an academic appointment at an engineering college in Israel in the faculty of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering.
While I was a lecturer, I initiated my research at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
Currently, I am a research associate at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.